Director Krish is busy with work for his upcoming movie "Vaanam". Starring STR and Bharath, Vaanam has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja. STR, who usually makes sure that songs are special in his movies, has been working overtime with Yuvan for the songs of Vaanam. Yuvan had earlier said that the songs of the movie have come out well. The latest on Vaanam is that the team is planning to release a single track this month as a feeler for the movie. The single track will ensure that enough interest is created among movie buffs.
The track, sung by STR, will be released on October 15, 2010. Recently, the cast and crew were introduced to the media in a press meet in Chennai. Vaanam is a remake of the Telugu hit movie Vedham.
The track, sung by STR, will be released on October 15, 2010. Recently, the cast and crew were introduced to the media in a press meet in Chennai. Vaanam is a remake of the Telugu hit movie Vedham.
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