The audio of Vaanam’s single took place at the Citi Centre in Chennai recently. The film’s lead star Silambarasan, music director Yuvan Shankar Raja and director Krish were present during this event which happened among the public that visited the Citi Centre on Sunday, November 28th, 2010. KS Ravi Kumar and Saxena graced the occasion to release the audio CD. Silambarasan and Yuvan Shankar Raja spoke about the single that was released. It may be recalled that the release of the audio was originally scheduled to be held in London but was cancelled in the last minute
Vaanam is an Indian Tamil drama film written and directed by Krish. A remake of Krish's 2010 Telugu film Vedam, the film stars Silambarasan, Bharath, Anushka Shetty, Vega, Sonia Agarwal, Prakash Raj, Santhanam, Saranya, Jasmine and Ganesh.
The much-awaited promo song of Vaanam is finally ready to wow the audience. Vaanam has Yuvan Shankar Raja as the music director. STR, who is usually very particular about the songs in his movies, had earlier informed that the Vaanam solo song will be released on air as a promo for the movie. After a long wait, insiders inform that the solo is finally ready and is to be released on Sunday, November 28, 2010. Interestingly, this song has been sung by STR himself.
STR is busy with the shooting of Vaanam. This film has a huge star cast, which includes Anushka, Bharath, Sneha Ullal and Sonia Agarwal. Apart from these stars, our sources says, the film also will have another actress who will be doing an item number. But Silambarasan wants to keep it as a surprise and will not disclose who the actress is until the movie releases. Vaanam is the remake of the Telugu film Vedam and is being directed by Krish. Yuvan Shankar Raja has scored the music for this movie.
STR is very particular about the quality of songs in his movies and he always turns to Yuvan for weaving magic. And they have never disappointed, the more recent example being Silambattam. The highlight of the music album of STR’s next movie Vaanam will be a song which has lyrics by both Yuvan and STR. Yes! The song which starts "Evandi unna pethan pethan... kaila kedacha sethan sethan...", has been sung by none other than STR himself. Sources inform that this song will definitely strike the right chord with the audience. Yuvan has also planned to release a song of Vaanam as a teaser for the album. Speculations are that the song may be released for Diwali. Get ready folks!
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