Bharath who was shooting in Hyderabad for the multistarrer Vaanam was injured while doing a risky action scene without any dupe. In Vaanam , Bharath plays an aspiring rock star and after seeing the Telugu original Vedam, he just loved it and wanted to be a part this multistarrer in which he shares screen space with Silambarasan, Anushka and Sneha Ullal.
Bharath who joined the unit on August 6 was shooting an action scene where he jumped off a 40 feet cliff without any dupe. This gave him more confidence and he convinced director Krish that he will do the chasing scenes himself. In a scene where he comes opposite to a running jeep, he had to crash into the vehicle and break the glass. Bharath did the scene in the first take but cut his right hand badly that he was rushed to the hospital for first aid and came out with three stitches.
Later Bharath told “It was a mad rampage scene and though I ended up with stitches, it has come out so well that Krish and the entire unit were so happy. Now I am back in Chennai to take rest for two days before joining the Yuvan Yuvathi unit in Pollachi”
Bharath who joined the unit on August 6 was shooting an action scene where he jumped off a 40 feet cliff without any dupe. This gave him more confidence and he convinced director Krish that he will do the chasing scenes himself. In a scene where he comes opposite to a running jeep, he had to crash into the vehicle and break the glass. Bharath did the scene in the first take but cut his right hand badly that he was rushed to the hospital for first aid and came out with three stitches.
Later Bharath told “It was a mad rampage scene and though I ended up with stitches, it has come out so well that Krish and the entire unit were so happy. Now I am back in Chennai to take rest for two days before joining the Yuvan Yuvathi unit in Pollachi”